I started Core Black back in 2016 with the focus to produce and sell handcrafted products. All goods are manufactured from exquisite raw materials in close cooperation with German manufacturers in small quantities. Thanks to the many years of experience and expertise of the partners I chose, each individual product becomes a special unique piece of craftsmanship. 
Some of the pictures shown above were taken by myself to setup the website and social media pages. After a few month I also collaborated with different photographers to broaden the portfolio of images for Core Black. Check out the website to make a personal impression:
​​​​​​​This club is the connection to my roots. Berka Juniors was founded by some close friends and me in my hometown at the time I studied in Düsseldorf. The Berka Juniors "Saga" started back in 2008 when my friends and I decided to meet on a regular base to play football on Sundays. After a couple of sessions we all new: There's more than just meet and play. We wanted to create something new with a relation to our Hometown (Rheinberg, old name: Berka), we created the "infamous" BERKA JUNIORS. 
​​​​​​​After I was elected captain, I took on more and more responsibility over time. I started to arrange the order of our jerseys, stage-managed games against other teams and at the end, I did the creation process of our logo, t-shirts and the website we had back then.
​​​​​​​I founded the Afew Thinktank as a small side-project when I was a student in Düsseldorf. The brand basically focused on limited edition printed T-Shirts. Each Shirt  was limited to 100 pieces only. The prints and the labels were produced in Germany.